Tarryn Nicole is a former celebrity personal trainer, nutritionist, eating disorder coach and 3 time titled pro power lifter. She has worked with cast members of the Real Housewives of NJ, Mob Wives, Jerseylicious, Swamp People and many more! Her dialed in training and nutrition methods have been sought after for almost two decades now. Tarryn is the owner of www.irontfitness.com which is available world wide. Her recently published book, Perfectly Imperfect is now available through Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble online.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1. If you could transform into one mythological creature, which one would you choose?
A dragon! Dragons are the ultimate symbol of power, strength and intelligence kinda how I see myself.
Q2. Finish the phrase “the way to my heart is…”
Through respect.
Q3. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
Huge introvert.
Q4. Do you watch shows one episode at a time or binge whole seasons?
Whole season. I never half ass anything.
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
Future. I like to know my outcomes.
Q6. What is your last Google search?
If the new Halloween buckets are available at McDonald’s yet lol.
Q7. What object do you misplace or lose the most?
Receipts that I need.
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
One time a stranger paid my rent and utilities for a month without me knowing at Christmas time when I was struggling many years back. He called himself “Santa.”
Q9. If given the chance to start your life over, would you take it?
No. I love my life at this present moment. If I start over it may be different. “I remember thinking things would be easier for me now because I won’t be here to experience them anymore. And now maybe everyone will see how much pain I was in. Can you imagine for a second the severity of the trauma that was built up inside of me to think that this was my only option at finding peace and happiness?”Tarryn Nicole, Perfectly Imperfect.
Q10. What is the best present you have ever received?
A Mercedes G63 AMG.
Q11. Describe your style in one word.
Gym girl meets fashionista.
Q12. If you were to devote the rest of your life to philanthropy, what cause would you choose?
Definitely helping children and animals. I participate in both currently.
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Tarryn.
You’ve answered our rapid fire brilliantly, Tarryn. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the book.
Q. There’s a grand stage surrounded by fifty thousand people listening to authors introducing themselves. They are bored and restless of listening to introductions all day. It’s your turn. How would you introduce yourself?
Hi everyone. My name is Tarryn Nicole and I identify as a tiger and recently I just escaped from the jungle in search of boring authors to feed on. I generally find the ones who go on and on about themselves the most tasty. This guy right here caught my eye and that lady down there as well but before I eat let me tell you…(long pause) obviously I am kidding. I am an author Tarryn Nicole and I have a wicked sense of humor that I use as needed.
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what books did you grow up reading?
As a young readers I opted for series. The Babysitters Club was my first series and then I discovered The Encyclopedia Brown detective series followed by the old Nancy Drew mysteries. Pre teen and early teens I discovered my love for the classics. A few of my favorites were Wuthering Heights, Anna Karenina and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. My later teen years I found a love for suspense and thrillers discovering the master of scare, R.L Stine and Stephen King.
Q. Interesting. Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?
Yes! For the type of personal story I wrote and published, I see my strength. I see how much I’ve changed and grew as a person. I see the possibilities that await me. “The disorder started to serve as everything I wanted and couldn’t have. It was the best friend I couldn’t find; Bulimia was the boy I couldn’t have. It was the family I wanted back. It was a sport I couldn’t play. In short, it was the answer to all of my worries. As my mental isolation started to grow, so did my disorder.”Tarryn Nicole, Perfectly Imperfect.
Q. Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?
Book number two is in the works.
Q. Now comes the most anticipated question that every author must answer. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
Oh I’m used to negative feedback from people. I have a very large instagram page that started when I chronicled my journey through pro bodybuilding and powerlifting. People picked apart the way I looked for years. I used to train celebrities also. That landed me in tabloid magazines with fake stories written about me. Both experiences toughened my skin because let’s face it, in life it’s sink or swim. As far as a negative review for my book… I would be disappointed because it’s a true story, it’s my story. This isn’t fiction by any means and I wrote this book. No one wrote it for me. Readers are my story and my words. A true story doesn’t really require your opinion or approval, it requires you to listen and understand. “Eating disorders exist more in your mind than they do in your body.“Tarryn Nicole, Perfectly Imperfect.
Q. What comes first for you — the message of the book or the words chosen to express that message?
The words chosen to express the message. I am huge on words and how those words are expressed (that’s why I am a writer and a Capricorn 😉 ) Words bring the message to life. If I stand on a podium and read a general message to you, you might lose me. If I stand up there and opt for impactful words to express that message, you will probably hear me more and remember my message.
Q. How has your professional or daily life influenced you as an author?
For me my professional and daily life played a big part in my actual story. Both were my story.
Q. What does literary success look like to you?
I would like to help people with my book. Ultimately that was my main goal with writing and releasing such a personal, emotional and daring story. I know what I went through is not uncommon. There are more people like me out there struggling. Hiding their story and denying help. If I can help those people, I have achieved success.

Q. Let’s talk about your book. Tell us about it.
Perfectly Imperfect chronicles my twenty year eating disorders with bulimia, binge eating and orthorexia which started when I was entering high school. I was having a hard time at home and I fell victim to vicious bullying at school and assault which lead me to develop my eating disorder to the point, I almost died. I thought suicide was my only way out. I carried on like this into my adult years and while I was a mother, a wife, a well known personal trainer, a nutritionist and a professional athlete… I hid it. No one knew the secret life I hid behind closed doors that controlled my every thought. After falling very ill from this secret life, I decided enough was enough and I found a healthier path to live. My book is about perseverance. It’s about not staying down when you are kicked to the floor. Down on the floor is where our next helping of strength lies, waiting for us to grab it and stand up taller, stronger and smarter. While I speak of some relatable topics like bullying, eating disorders, assault, kids from divorced homes, the real message of my book is how to mentally change the mind to make healthier actions in your life. We are merely puppets on a string to our minds.
Q. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?
When I was assaulted. I cried writing it and I cried reading it. I have never told anyone that until my book. That was something I have carried around with me my whole life so not only was it an emotional and unpleasant event that I didn’t want to remember, but I just confided in millions of people for the first time.
Q. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
I would say plotter since my story is not fictitious. I make a chapter scheme for my story and I just start writing in each chapter. I wrote this whole book in the notes of my phone. As a writer, you constantly get new ideas or thoughts you want to add to your chapter so using the notes in the phone was the most convenient. I also tend to do most of writing late at night. I feel my mind is most relaxed at that time. I’m very honest and very detailed oriented so perfecting each chapter has to be done before I will even consider the next chapter.
Q. Have you ever considered writing a fictional book or a series? If you were to write one, what genre would you choose?
I have! I do have plans for a series of children’s books that I’ve been preparing to publish in the near future. It’s a story I used to tell my daughter before bed that turned into a 23 year ordeal of characters and plots etc. “The goal is to make new habits second nature instead of reaching out for the same old methods. Of course, this is easier said than done.”Tarryn Nicole, Perfectly Imperfect.
Q. What has helped you most when writing a book?
Timing. It has to be the right time to write. Your mind has to be locked into that story you are trying to convey. This is why I waited as long as I did to write this book. Timing was off, I was off and the book would have been off. Timing! Don’t rush the process.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
The best advice I can lend to aspiring writers is this, let the words you put on paper be yours! Let your personality shine through your words. When people read your story allow them to get to know you and form a relationship with you through your words. Let them be able to get to know you and your style without ever meeting you. Your readers should be able to read multiple books in your fleet and be able to say, “I love her humor” or “I love his sarcastic ability to describe someone.” It’s what make your literary name stand out.