Brittany loves reading and writing for as long as she can remember. The journey that began from a young age when she would make up tiny story books as a child talking all about the adventures of her cats, she is now an author.
She is an avid reader, youtuber, and knows the worth of her time, talent, and efforts.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1.If you could be transformed into one animal, which one would you choose?
This one is a hard one. I think I would be transformed into a snow leopard. They are beautiful and rarely seen in the wild which lends a sort of mystery to them and their whereabouts.
Q2. Finish the phrase “the way to my heart is…”
Food, a good book, and a stormy day next to the fire.
Q3. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m a bit of both. I’m not shy and can talk to anyone but I definitely need to come home and be alone to recharge.
Q4. Do you watch shows one episode at a time or binge whole seasons?
There is only one way to watch shows, like there is only one way to read a series – binge it up for all its worth!
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
I’d rather travel to the past. There are too many people I need to speak with that I’ll never get the chance to again.
Q6. What is your last Google search?
The thesaurus. This tool is my best friend while writing. There is always a better word to use than what’s stuck in my head.
Q7. What object do you misplace or lose the most?
My phone! Lol. Good thing I can call it (that is, if I didn’t put it on silent mode).
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
I can’t think of just one instance. I see kindness in the littlest thing someone does for me, whether it is taking the time to fold my clothes when I’m at work or sending me a quick text to say ‘hi’ just because they thought of me.
Q9. If given the chance to start your life over, would you take it?
Only if I was able to keep everyone in my life and go back to the past with the knowledge I have now!
Q10. What is the best present you have ever received?
My engagement ring during Christmas from my husband. “My rage smiled like a savage.”Brittany Bowman
Q11. Describe your style in one word.
Surfer girl meets business world
Q12. If you were to devote the rest of your life to philanthropy, what cause would you choose?
I’d rescue dogs from high kill shelters and terrible situations to give them a forever sanctuary home on a huge piece of land.
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Brittany.
You’ve answered our rapid fire brilliantly, Brittany. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the book.
Q. There’s a grand stage surrounded by fifty thousand people listening to authors introducing themselves. They are bored and restless of listening to introductions all day. It’s your turn. How would you introduce yourself?
** tap tap tap** “Is this thing on? So, I thought I’d begin by reading a poem by Shakespeare, but then I thought, why should I? He never reads any of mine. All jokes aside, I’m not going to bore you with a bunch of nonsense about myself. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a bunch of people, asking them to love me. And if you can’t love me, you can at least read my book and leave me nasty reviews in the comments so I can ugly cry in a gallon of ice cream while I read them. I’ll even tell you about one you can waste your money on, if you feel so inclined. I have this great little number called ‘Underwater: The Aurora Chronicles.’ It’s amazing! I should know, I wrote it. Kidding. Sort of. My name is Brittany Bowman and I’m honored to share this time with you. Thank you!
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what books did you grow up reading?
I loved anything Goosebumps. Those were my jam. “As if my heart took mercy on my soul, the fire within extinguished as the layer of gripping anger burst into a flurry of charred ash.”Brittany Bowman
Q. Interesting. Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?
Totally. I walk around strutting my stuff like I’m the hot tamale. Just kidding…not at all. I feel a little more creative and more knowledgeable about an industry I knew nothing about before I started. Even then, the more I know, I realize I don’t know squat.
Q. Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?
I was stung by a stingray while surfing in January. Hurt like nobody’s business. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, unless I wrote them in a story. Then they are fair game!

Q. Now comes the most anticipated question that every author must answer. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
I think I process negative reviews like any other self-appointed indie author – cry in a gallon of ice cream. No? Just me? Honestly, it really depends on the type of negative review. If they leave a negative review just because they had a bad day (and you can usually tell), I wouldn’t think twice about it. My book isn’t going to be for everybody and that’s okay. If the negative review came with a healthy dose of criticism, I’m going to soak it up for all its worth, even if it hurts. That gives me a chance to learn and grow into a better writer.
Q. What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?
Oh, I am extremely character driven. I love creating characters and their personalities. I love seeing how they would respond when thrown into a number of different scenarios. I also love to see how each character can grow or self-destruct along the way.
Q. How do you develop your plot and characters?
I don’t think I have any one system to do this. I would say the one common denominator would be music, especially when I’m driving. Yes, I daydream while I drive. But I promise! I’m still a great driver! Lol. More often than not, while I’m listening to music, I see a character do something on a whim. It could be the smallest bit of a scene, maybe not even worth mentioning. From there, I let my imagination take off. What would have happened before that scene? What comes after? What is their personality like? Why did they respond the way they did in that scene? I could go on and on, but it is like Alice’s rabbit hole. Once you fall in it, there is no escaping the bizarre things your mind can conjure up.
Q. What does literary success look like to you?
Someone getting lost in the story world I built and enjoying it.
Q. Let’s talk about your book. Tell us about it. No major spoilers.
I think the blurb says it best:
- Royal bloodlines. Dangerous Enemies. Secret Powers. And a battle torn world. Does that sound like something your family should keep from you? Well, mine did. How did I find out you ask? By walking face first into their dangerous double life and into a deadly destiny I couldn’t talk my way out of.
- Hi. My name is Aurora Marie Walker.
- For three years, I’ve been ghosting through this half-life of mine in sunny San Diego, after my parents and oldest brother Tanner perished in a deadly accident. They left me and my two older brothers – Garrett and Ryder – behind to pick up the pieces. Instead of moving on, we moved away from Brookings, Oregon with my best friend Kate in tow, hoping to put the past behind us.
- However, the past didn’t want to let me go. You see, I have a secret I’m ashamed of. A secret my mother told me to hide from everyone, including my brothers. A secret that will not allow me to let go of the past.
- Tired of being tormented by their memory and this secret, I needed to point my truck north to go home and find closure – alone.
- Instead, I found anything but closure, and learned I was anything but alone.
Q. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?
The ending. It took me forever to finish this book because I didn’t know exactly how I wanted it to end. Trust me when I say, I had about 4 different endings for this book that I wrote and rewrote.
Q. If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them?
Sorry, I really don’t hate you. Your lives make for a more interesting story when I’m threatening them. Lol. “There had been no sweet release, no safe harbor I could pull into. The way his eyes now smoldered into mine, and the way his fingers lingered for a moment longer against my cheek than was socially acceptable, told me I had finally found one.”Brittany Bowman
Q. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
While I would love to say Pantser, I keep finding myself more and more like a Plotter. I must have an outline. I tried going hardcore pantser when I first started, and I think that’s why I kept finding myself in corner after corner I couldn’t write my way out of. Eventually I wrote an outline for this story, and it became more streamlined. It’s hard for me to know where I’m going without a destination in sight.
Q. Let’s talk about the process of writing. When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?
Candles for sure. I think a flickering flame can help set a strong emotional mood. Then I have to be super comfy in my pj’s and soft faux fur blanket. From there, it’s all about dark classical music. Not the in your face classical but the kind that conjures up deep emotion and maybe even a little bit of dread. Snacks are always a plus because I’m a mindless snacker. And then bonus points if it’s a stormy day/night out.
Q. What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?
Helped – Music is always my first go to. Music is everything to my imagination.
Hinder – Reading other people’s books. While I’m writing/editing, I refuse to read another authors work because I don’t want to be influenced by their writing or their originality. I want to be influenced by my own.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Read – a lot, across all different genres, but if not different genres, then definitely different authors. Don’t just read for the enjoyment. Really think about what that author is doing right in your mind. What do you love about their writing? How can you take what you love about their writing and make it your own?
Never stop having an open mind. I always say the most cliché thing any teacher will tell you – “you never stop learning.” The more and more I learn and hone my writing craft, the more I learn there is more for me to learn. It never stops and that is what I love about this art form.