Annie Charme is a graphic artist by day and author by night, writing real, raw, racy romance. Her book boyfriends are inked heroes who like fat, fun, and feisty women (sounds familiar). On the very rare occasion she is not working in her day job…or night job as a writer, she will be living her best life in the heart of England with her other half, two wildlings (otherwise known as Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee), and a randy cavalier pup. You’ll usually find her in a field somewhere or curled up on the sofa with a coffee (wine), blanket and dog to keep her cozy, and a good steamy book.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1.If you could be transformed into one animal, which one would you choose?
Cat so I could lounge around all day.
Q2. Finish the phrase “the way to my heart is…”
With food.
Q3. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
Somewhere in-between.
Q4. Do you watch shows one episode at a time or binge whole seasons?
Binge unless it’s GOT / HOD and I’m forced to wait.
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
Q6. What is your last Google search?
What is a snow cloud called? (My latest character is a weather girl (Unwrapped For You, Christmas Novella out 21st November).
Q7. What object do you misplace or lose the most?
lipsticks (I leave them in my pockets and they go through the wash).
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
It’s the little things, too many to mention.
Q9. If given the chance to start your life over, would you take it?
Not sure. “Do you remember what happens to naughty girls, Steph?”Annie Charme, Forever Yours.
Q10. What is the best present you have ever received?
My children.
Q11. Describe your style in one word.
Q12. If you were to devote the rest of your life to philanthropy, what cause would you choose?
Something to do with body positivity.
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Annie.
You’ve answered our rapid fire brilliantly, Annie. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the book.
Q. There’s a grand stage surrounded by fifty thousand people listening to authors introducing themselves. They are bored and restless of listening to introductions all day. It’s your turn. How would you introduce yourself?
I’m a graphic artist by day and author by night, writing real, raw, racy romance. My book boyfriends are inked heroes who like fat, fun, and feisty women (sounds familiar).
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what books did you grow up reading?
I grew up not really interested in reading. It wasn’t until I found romance that reading became a hobby. But I’ve always loved the classics growing up like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and Lord of the Rings (random, I know.)
Q. Interesting. Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?
Absolutely. Writing has been like therapy for me. After dieting since the age of ten, I finally feel like I accept my plus size body and writing about big girls has definitely helped with my own body positivity.
Q. Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?
I’m pretty much an open book, so I don’t have many secrets. I hate flying, not that I can fly, but you know what I mean.
Q. Now comes the most anticipated question that every author must answer. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
I had this question recently and the answer is, I’m still learning how to deal with this. As a rule, I try not to read reviews because the negative ones can put me out of sorts for weeks.
Q. What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?
I’ve never really thought about this. I think both are entwined, like I’m writing a story now, a romantic suspense and I tried to picture my main guy as a business man in a suit, but he wasn’t haven’t any of it and kept showing up in scruffy work clothes from mending cars or furniture in his workshop. So I think the plot maybe comes first and the characters tell me who they are. “She’s mine… She’s always been mine… married or not.”Annie Charme, Forever Mine.
Q. How do you develop your plot and characters?
I am a total panster. I have an idea in my head and a finish line and I just write. Things happen along the way that even I didn’t know would happen and the story takes on a life of its own.
Q. What does literary success look like to you?
Having a book that people can relate to and actually make a difference in their life. Obviously having a book go viral wouldn’t hurt haha.
Q. Let’s talk about your book. Tell us about it. No major spoilers.
My series, The Temptation Series is 3 books. Forever Yours, (book 1), Forever Mine, (book 2), and Forever Young, (a prequel). Forever Yours starts with Steph, a 40 year old mum of two. Life is good, until her first day at a new office job and her ex boyfriend shows up, sitting opposite her desk. He was her best friend, her first love who she never got over. They haven’t spoken in twenty years. He realises what he’s been missing all this time and wants her back, only she’s married now, to the wrong man.
Q. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?
The flashbacks and break up scenes were the hardest because I drew from my own real life experiences.
Q. If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them?
I would probably give them a slap if I’m honest. I’m sure my readers would agree haha.
Q. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
Total Panster. I also write out of order. I write whatever I feel on the day and if I get stuck, a spicy scene always helps get me out of a block. “You can’t beat up every guy who calls me fat watch me.”Annie Charme, Forever Young.
Q. Let’s talk about the process of writing. When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?
I like to write in total quiet and I just play the scene in my head like a movie.
Q. What has helped or hindered you most when writing a book?
Time is my nemesis. There isn’t enough of it. I work full time and have a family so my only writing tie is in the evening when the kids are asleep.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
My advice for any writer is to just keep writing, I read books regularly about the craft and I’m always learning. I don’t think we ever stop learning.