Andrea Lee is a Kansas City based indie author. She earned her B.A. in Liberal Arts in 2013 from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She started writing fanfiction when she was twelve years old and slowly worked her way to her own original work. She enjoys writing adult romance, paranormal romance and thrillers. She also enjoys listening to music, reading and gardening.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1. If you could be transformed into one animal, which one would you choose?
I would transform into a cat. I am the epitome of a cat lady.
Q2. What time do you usually go to bed at night?
Anywhere from 10pm to midnight.
Q3. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
It depends on the day. Some days I want nothing more than to curl up with a good book and not leave my house, some days I want to explore!
Q4. Who is your favorite Disney character?
Alice from Alice in Wonderland. She is a curious one, just like me.
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
The past for sure.
Q6. What is your last Google search?
How much water should I drink in one day? I drink too much coffee.
Q7. What object do you misplace or lose the most?
My phone!
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
Someone bought my coffee in the Starbucks line. Total stranger.
Q9. Learn by watching or learn by doing?
By doing.
Q10. Expensive presents or homemade presents?
Q11. What is one missed opportunity that you wish you could have a second chance at?
Not sure.
Q12. What is not a big deal to most people but is torture to you?
Unloading the dishwasher…
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Andrea.
You’ve answered our rapid fire exceedingly well, Andrea. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the book.
Q. Tell us something about yourself that’s going to make us wonder more about you.
I love all kinds of book genres and have ideas for most of them.
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what books did you grow up reading?
Anything Stephen King. I started reading horror very young.
Q. Interesting. What, to you, are the most important elements of good writing?
Word flow! This is key
Q. Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Yes! So far only one person has caught the secret foreshadowing in my book Accidental Always. “You’re mine. He will never feel you the way I do right now. Do you understand?”Andrea Lee, Pulse.
Q. Now comes the most anticipated question that every author must answer. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
It takes practice. People are brutal and sometimes not constructive. You get better with handling those types of people over time.
Q. What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?
The plot. My ideas pop up out of nowhere and I build onto them at random.
Q. How do you develop your plot and characters?
I just write. I do not brainstorm like most authors, I just start typing and the book sort of writes itself.
Q. What does literary success look like to you?
Having books published that I adore, whether others do or not.
Q. Let’s talk about your book. Tell us about it. No major spoilers.
Pulse is a dark paranormal romance that centers around Eve, a woman who finds she is being hunted by a coven of ruthless vampires but is saved by a tall, dark and handsome vampire named Will. She soon learns that she is more involved in the underworld than she ever thought possible.
Accidental Always is a new adult, college romance about a young woman named Jules who travels abroad for college and falls in love with a famous heartthrob named Ethan. The book focuses on the troubles every young couple faces as well as the complications that come with fame.
Q. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?
For both of my books, the ending was hard to write solely because I didn’t want it to end, despite knowing there will be other books added to each series.
Q. Would you and your main character get along?
Absolutely! Eve and Jules would be my besties for sure.
Q. What are the essential characteristics of a hero you can root for?
A good heart, but turmoil that can make them unpredictable. “It wasn’t in my nature to be so damn whipped and honestly, being whipped is something I don’t know how to navigate. She has me wrapped around her beautiful finger, and I love it.”Andrea Lee, Accidental Always.
Q. Let’s talk about the process of writing. When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?
I usually turn on music that sets the mood of the scene. If the scene is going to be action packed, I turn on anything metal. If the scene is going to be sad, I will turn on something like The Fray.
Q. What was your hardest scene to write?
The ending scene of Accidental Always. Can’t give anything away, but I was sobbing while writing it.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
None! This has been fun and thank you for having me!