Amanda Rose is the CEO and founder of The Infinite Power of You INC., Co-Founder of No BS Biz Co. Ltd., a Business, Wealth and Mindset Coach, Multi-Published Multi-Genre Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, Course Creator, Actor, and Self-Made Millionaire. Her corporation serves entrepreneurs worldwide, with her unique approach that focuses on understanding each client’s individual strengths and guiding them in building their own methodology, rather than attempting to get them to adapt to a specific mold.
Amanda has been a sales expert for over a decade, having experience in door-to-door sales, retail, live sales presentation, network marketing, and online product and service sales, which allows her to bring extensive insight to her clients. Amanda has been featured in many publications and news articles for her work, including FOX, CBS, Yahoo! Finance, and NBC, and was recently recognized with the BRAINZ Global 500 Award and the CREA 2021 Award. Amanda passionately works to help entrepreneurs succeed through her Corporation as well as within her Facebook Community.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1. If you could transform into one mythological creature, which one would you choose?
A Kitsune.
Q2. Finish the phrase “the way to my heart is…”
Through cats, chocolate, and video games. You know what? Sushi would do it too.
Q3. Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
An introvert at heart; public speaking is fine, but I recharge when I’m alone.
Q4. Do you watch shows one episode at a time or binge whole seasons?
Completely binge watch until 2am, doesn’t everyone?
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
Gosh, that’s a tough call, I want both. I’d like to go to medieval Japan or however far in the future it is that we’re doing interstellar travel.
Q6. What is your last Google search?
“What did Patrick Stewart think about being on TNG?”
Q7. What object do you misplace or lose the most?
My pen.
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
Gave me their time and listened without judgement.
Q9. If given the chance to start your life over, would you take it?
No; though if I could send a message in a bottle back to younger me, I would.
Q10. What is the best present you have ever received?
Video games and books; escaping into stories is the best gift.
Q11. Describe your style in one word.
Q12. If you were to devote the rest of your life to philanthropy, what cause would you choose?
I’d help the environment and animals.
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Amanda.
You’ve answered our rapid fire so well, Amanda. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the book.
Q. There’s a grand stage surrounded by fifty thousand people listening to authors introducing themselves. They are bored and restless of listening to introductions all day. It’s your turn. How would you introduce yourself?
I’d have everyone get up and move their bodies to get their energy going again, and then use a fun exercise that illustrates the power of focus by teaching them about their Reticular Activating System, and lastly guide them through a visualization practice. We all get bored if we’re not engaged, and the body and mind are linked, so getting them both firing helps get us interested again.
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what books did you grow up reading?
As a kid I loved the Redwall series. As I got older, I started reading through James Clavell’s Asian Saga, which to this day is my favorite set of fiction books. As an adult, while I still love fiction, I read a lot of personal development, my favorite being Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, which helped me go from living under the poverty line to becoming a self-made millionaire.
Q. Interesting. Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?
Yes and no. It’s definitely an accomplishment and I’m proud of myself for it; with over 20 books published now the thrill of it has worn off, yet I’m in it for the impact. Books shaped who I am, and I feel honored to now pass that gift forward in shaping others’ minds.
Q. Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?
I am stumped; I’m such an open book (pun intended) that it my readers are following me on social media they know there’s nothing held back (including stories about me peeing my pants as an adult, in public… more than once).
Q. Now comes the most anticipated question that every author must answer. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
It certainly stings when it happens, however, I always remind myself that even the most critically acclaimed books receive negative reviews; it’s just a perspective, and it’s not our job to get everyone to like us or our work, but rather to create it for the ones who will love and appreciate it.
Q. What comes first for you — the message of the book or the words chosen to express that message?
The message of the book; intention is everything for me. Once I have a concept, fleshing it out becomes organic and intuitive. “Master your mind and you’ll master your life.”Amanda Rose
Q. How has your professional or daily life influenced you as an author?
Massively, as an entrepreneur working in the online space, especially around other like-minded entrepreneurs, I get to work on mindset and communication daily. While I don’t generally directly incorporate things that happen in day-to-day like in my writing, they do become launching points for the concepts I desire to share.
Q. What does literary success look like to you?
Big and small; one person whose life is changed by one of my books is a major success, as is having my message spread to thousands and thousands of people. I love to track successes big and small.
Q. Let’s talk about your latest book. Tell us about it.
Fire Fury Fate, book III in the Fire Fury Saga is in it’s final editing stages, and I’m beyond excited to release it in 2024. The space opera is getting into the aspects of the story that I’ve been eager to share since the inception of book I. It’s an intense action-packed ride.
Q. What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?
I wouldn’t necessarily say that any one part of the book was hard, but rather that as a space opera with a wide scope, 30+ characters, multiple locations, and even time jumps, it mentally was a lot to juggle to keep everything straight.
Q. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
I’m very intuitive. I have an idea of what the main plot items are, however, I like to be inspired and surprised as I write; not only does it make it exciting to me, it keeps it unpredictable for my readers, which makes it compelling. Expect the unexpected.
Q. You write fiction and non-fiction. What’s your take on that experience vis-à-vis a non-fiction book? Which do you enjoy more?
I love both for very different reasons. Self-help and non-fiction are easier to write, because they’re more straight forward, whereas fiction requires character and plot development as well as world building, but there’s so much joy in that creativity.
Q. What has helped you most when writing a book?
Consistency. When I start writing a new book, I write something every single day until it’s done so that I don’t break the creative flow.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Read more, learn 1 new word every day, and write more; often with all of the tools we have to share on social media people opt-in to use video or voice notes instead of writing, and that dulls their literary skills. I’m not saying to not use those aspects of social media, but make sure to keep writing too to stay sharp.